The whole UI concept is nuts. Share is probably the most used function. Now lets see what happens on an Android tablet if you want to share a photo one of your friends has shared. 1. Facebook App: NO "share" button at all. So you must click on a photo to open it in full size first, then select "share" from the Android options menu but this stupid app starts sharing this as your own photo - it even asks where the photo was taken! 2. In the Browser: Firefox for Android: Facebook site as intelligent as it is, opens some crippled mobile version of the site that looks like Netscape 1.0 and again NO "share" link - here there is NO way to share something. Opera for Android: Here for some unknown reason I finally see the normal facebook website including a "share" link. Unfortunately the facebook site uses some stupid scripts that will screw up the Opera browser at some point. Bottom line: There is no user friendly / working way to ...
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